
Dehydrated Meals vs Freeze Dried

by Steve Mynhier
(Pueblo, Colorado USA)

I absolutely agree, with rising gas prices which drive the cost of food up (please pardon the pun) and the ever growing demand of grains world wide, global food prices have hit dangerous levels. Food may someday be more valuable than gold or silver. Planning for the future with food reserves is definitely a very wise choice for all families.


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May 24, 2011
Dehydrated vs Freeze Dried
by: Steve Mynhier

Thank you David, there are several differences between dehydrated foods and freeze dried foods. Dehydrating foods involves a low heat process that removes the moisture from the foods.

Dehydrated foods are shrunk down in size so you get a lot of servings in each container (.91 cents per meal). Freeze dried foods on the other hand, retain their same size and shape so you would need several freeze dried cans to equal the same number of servings as in one can of dehydrated. This increases the amount of storage space needed not to mention the additional cost of the foods. Also, freeze dried foods usually have more preservatives.

We recommend ordering the dehydrated foods for the nutrition, cost, storage life, storage space advantages and alleviating the concern of questionable additives.

May 24, 2011
Which Emergency Food Storage is Best?
by: David Kimball

I agree, Steve. Planning for the future with food reserves is vital, even for short term emergencies.

In your opinion, which is better, dehydrated or freeze dried and why?

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