
Managing Your Personal Finances Blog Carnival #2 Household Budgeting Solutions

This is the second edition of the Managing Your Personal Finances Blog Carnival. How often will these happen? Whenever I am able to accumulate ten quality articles that are posted on quality websites or blogs. If I ever post something by mistake that is not valuable or goes against what I normally teach, please let me know.

Here you go with ten article links on household budgeting solutions to click, enjoy, and take action on:

    1. A lot of people have monthly cell phone plans when a prepaid phone could be cheaper. Jim presents Could You Save Money with a Prepaid Cell Phone?.

    2. A short guide to the sort of savings help for managing your personal finances you can expect in stores following Valentine's Day. Roger the Amateur Financier presents Taking Advantage of Post-Valentine's Day Sales.

    3. A lot of people have monthly cell phone plans when a prepaid phone could be cheaper. Jim presents Could You Save Money with a Prepaid Cell Phone?.

    4. Here are some tips that can help you make good use of your iPhone apps, stick to your budget, and help you save a lot of money ... FIRE Finance presents 10 Smart Money Saving iPhone Apps.

    5. Ten top tips on being frugal from the panelists of a live blog in frugality and managing your personal finances. Karen Bryan presents 10 Top Tips on How to Be Frugal.

    6. While a strong mindset is the most important thing, here are some things that helped me grow my Emergency Fund. Adam presents How to Stop Yourself Dipping in Your Savings.

    7. If you're thinking about marriage then you have to make sure you are on the same page about money as your partner. See 5 qualities to look for about money in your future marriage partner. Glen Craig presents Contemplating Marriage? Love Is Not All You Need.

    8. NerdWallet's study of big banks confirmed last week that while every big bank has a basic checking account offering (one to be exact), banks have been actively targeting the "mass affluent" with numerous higher-tier, premium account offerings. In this post, we take a closer look at these premium checking accounts at the top 5 banks to examine just what it takes to have one of these Cadillac checking accounts and what the actual benefits are.

    Stephanie Wei presents A Closer Look at Premium Checking.

    9. Here's a great list of homeowners insurance tips for dealing with increased deductiblesyou might be facing. Madison presents How to Save Money on Your Insurance Renewal.

My first goal is provide incredible value to help your household budgeting along and for you to be successful in managing your personal finances. Second, I wish to bring attention to other websites and blogs that also offer value that you are able to use today. All summaries above are written by the respective author with minimal editing by me.

If you are enjoying these household budgeting tips, please let others know of this great information using the buttons below and at your other favorite social media places.

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