Estimate Moving Costs
Best Ways to Save Money
on Costs of Moving a House
Why is it so important to estimate moving costs before you hire a mover? One of the biggest problems that consumers face these days is the many underhanded moving practices that some companies use. Perhaps the most prevalent of all is the practice of offering super low quotes when consumers first start their search for the best ways to save money on costs of moving a house. The first step is to call around to get estimates on how much your move will cost.
Many companies offer overly low quotes initially to try to get you to sign a contract. However, once your things are loaded onto the moving truck, the actual cost of the move suddenly goes up dramatically. If you are unable or unwilling to pay, these companies then hold your things hostage until you agree to pay more, leaving you thousands of dollars in the hole.
Thankfully, there are some ways that consumers can combat these less than desirable moving practices, enabling people to protect themselves against the trouble that some companies bring to the relocation process. By keeping the following tips in mind, you too can accurately estimate moving costs to save money and actually enjoy the transition into your new residence.
Compile Your Own Estimate - Perhaps one of the best ways to avoid being taken for a ride when you are looking for a good moving company is to estimate moving costs on your own. There are some good calculators online that can help you do this, and while the estimates that you build may not always be perfectly accurate, they help you approach the moving process with a little bit more knowledge, which can really help in weeding out those who offer quotes far below the actual costs involved.
Get Multiple Moving Quotes - It is important that you not settle for the first estimate or so-called deal that you find when you start gathering information about movers in your area. Each company that you speak to is going to try to get your business by offering some kind of deal or low price. Make sure to gather more than three so that you can not only compare the price quotes, but so that you can easily point out any that are far lower than the norm.
Reach Out to Others - Today's social media push makes it easier to connect with people who have moved recently to help you estimate moving costs. It is always a good idea to connect with these people to learn about how much they paid for their move and the services that they hired. You can often learn from the mistakes of others by avoiding companies that other consumers had problems with or by taking some extra steps that could have prevented problems with other people's experiences.
Read Contracts Carefully - Always read over paperwork carefully. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration says that blank or incomplete contract use is on the rise. When parts of a contract are left blank, and you sign the paperwork anyways, you are opening yourself up to all kinds of fraud. You wouldn't sign a blank check to your moving company, so make sure that you don't sign any blank or incomplete contracts either.
Get a Binding Moving Estimate - One of the best ways to save money on costs of moving a house requires that you seek out a binding estimate from those you're thinking of hiring. Ask the companies you are interested in to come to your home to look at what you are moving so that they can offer a binding quote. This quote is a legal contract that puts a definite cap on the amount allowed to be charged at the other end of the move.
While moving these days is fraught with many pitfalls, especially when it comes to paying the moving companies who are offering you their services, there are many things that you can do to protect yourself along the way. Rather than find yourself in the place of a scam victim, keep these simple tips in mind so that you can not only save money on your move, but so that you can avoid problems that would otherwise turn the moving experience into a nightmare.
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This guest post is by Marissa Emery. Want to learn more about how to estimate moving costs and make relocation a great experience? Visit to learn more about how to make your move without the stress. Get tips on finding the best moving companies and learn how to pack and move anything in your home. From pets to plants, is your one stop moving shop.
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