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Is it Time to Unsubscribe?
March 24, 2010

Well, is it? Should you be subscribed to this newsletter? It may appear to be counter productive to what you would expect, since I would want to have as many subscribers as possible.

But alas, that is not the case. I have a passion to help families thrive financially. However, I would much rather have a hundred people in this community who are really going for it (or at least trying to figure out how) then thousands who were just interested in the freebies.

If you are the latter, go now and hit that unsubscribe link down at the bottom. Surely the last thing you need is more email cluttering your in-box.

But if you are the former and really trying to save money, get debt free, and thrive, then hit reply and tell me how you are doing. Start a conversation, ask a question, get moving!

Information Without Implementation
is Just Plain Entertainment

I am grateful for each of you and the time you take out to read this newsletter. YOU are why I am doing this. Now, do not just be entertained. Implement an idea to help you save money, get out of debt and live!

Financial Coaching

David Kimball

Money Saving Quick Tip

Stop the Impulse Buying

Another of many money saving techniques is to follow a 48 hour or 1 week rule where you cannot impulse buy. If you went to the department store looking for a specific item, let's say tennis shoes, you cannot come home with new black pumps (even if they were on sale.) After the allotted time period you can reconsider whether you want to buy the pumps or not, but you might find you have forgotten all about the item.

We use this technique on our children and it works! Most of the time they forget about it. I even push it sometimes and say, "Hey, would you like to go and buy that doll or toy now?". "No," comes the reply. "Too much money." Or, "I decided I really do not want that any more. I really want ...."

Out of the mouth of babes.

Digging Deeper

David's Story
by David Kimball

Have you read my story, why I do what I do? It is a 15 year history of helping people achieve financial freedom.

It is one built for you to enjoy real financial freedom, helping you to develop your personal spending plan with great strategies to save money.

Back in 1995, I heard the now deceased Larry Burkett's radio show and have been hooked on helping people become financially free ever since. I soon became of his his Certified Financial Counselors and then later for our church.

Well, the old Christian Financial Concepts is now Crown and they are still at it, stronger than ever thanks to Mr. Burkett's incredible fortitude and vision to reach the world for Christ using money -- a most intimate part of our life that he always termed an "outward indication of what is going on inside."

Continue reading ...

Financial Freedom Radio

With each episode, you are going to learn how to save money, get out of debt and live financially free with effective strategies, inspiring you to learn, earn, and serve.

Sorry, but there is not a new show this time. A flurry of activity has been happening around here and I prefer to give you quality over "just getting something out".

This is a great opportunity, then, to let me know what you like about the show and what you would like to listen to in the future.

Download the previous episodes now at the Financial Freedom Radio Podcast download page.

A Little Perspective

"Money is something you have to make in case you don't die." Max Asnas

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?. Luke 14:28

Personal Financial Coaching

It is my passion to help families prioritize now to make sure that one parent can stay at home. If diligent, you can be debt-free in 24 months or less without buying insurance, investments or magic software. This is advice you can trust because I do not sell any of these things.

If you are ready for some personalized financial coaching or a speaker at your next event, shoot me an email or give me a call at (209) 622-3299.

Newsletter Management

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